WORD Christchurch Festival 2022 will take place under the orange traffic light setting, following government guidelines. In the interests of keeping each other safe:

Before the event:

  • We strongly encourage you to get vaccinated or boosted before attending.
  • Stay home if you are unwell or if you have been asked to isolate yourself.
  • The safety of our audience and our writers is paramount: please wear a mask while you’re at WORD Christchurch events.

During the event:

  • Most of our events are general admission. Please feel free to spread out as much as you can, depending on how full the session is.
  • Please keep your mask on during the sessions.
  • We’ll have hand sanitiser in all of our venues, please use it.

After the event:

  • Our writers will decide whether or not they’d like to do book signings under this traffic light setting. We’ll let you know as soon as we can whether these will happen at each session but you can still support the authors by purchasing their books – please do!
  • Please, keep that mask on! It will make us all safer.

If you can’t come to a session that is getting livestreamed then you can swap your tickets so that you can still enjoy the event from the comfort of your own home. Please contact ticketing@wordchristchurch.co.nz if you have any questions around this.


If Christchurch is at the red traffic light setting when the festival begins, many events will run as livestreams to be watched at home on your laptop / tablet / phone / TV. We promise the conversation will be as brilliant as ever. If you are an existing in-venue ticket holder, you will automatically be sent livestream tickets to your events. If you hold livestream tickets, these are valid for all traffic light settings.




If you would like to support WORD Christchurch during these difficult times, we’d be grateful. You can make a donation using the form on the right, or sign up to become a supporter using the button below. Thank you!

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